We are a duo of registered mental health professionals committed to supporting you on your journey. We aim to provide a non judgmental and confidential environment in which clients can engage the joys and messiness of life with curiosity, perspective and creativity. We create space where clients are seen and heard. We recognize and honour the courage it takes to engage in a therapeutic connection.
As we strive to become better guests on stolen and colonized Indigenous land, we expressly recognize that collective and individual wellness and concerns are connected to our environments, contexts, families, communities, and structural factors (ex. capitalism, colonialism, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, fatphobia). As such we apply a holistic and social justice lens to our work with people as we attempt to navigate life in an increasingly fragmented society.
Land acknowledgements are often problematic, as words are performative when there is no action to follow.
With this in mind, we do acknowledge our work and personal lives exist on traditional Treaty 7 territory, Siksikaitsitapi--the land of the Blackfoot Confederacy, as well as home to Metis Nation of Alberta Region 3.
If you would like to know more about how you or your workplace can gain education and participate in reconciliation, Reconciliation Education is a good place to start. Additionally, the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation is a valuable resource.
Locally, please support the SAGE Clan community patrol, Opokaa-sin Early Intervention Society, or search for other Indigenous lead and focused organizations.
As members of the queer community, clinicians serving the queer community, and as human beings allied with gender diverse folks--we explicitly resist discriminatory legislation, misinformation, and ongoing efforts to erase trans people. If you would like information on how you can do the same, please see our Resource page.