We recognize that we offer services in collaboration with others. Here are some you may find valuable:
For and By the Queer Community
OUTreach Southern Alberta https://www.outreachsa.org/
Skipping Stone https://www.skippingstone.ca/
Queer Consulting YQL http://www.queerconsultingyql.ca/
FORGE National transgender anti-violence organization that works with transgender survivors of sexual assault, domestic and dating violence, and stalking. They can be reached at their helpline 414-559-2123 or online
Queer in Alberta: ​"Kels Delamarter (she/her) talks to everyday Albertans who are living proudly in Calgary, Edmonton, and the smaller towns that lay between." (podcast)
Trans LifeLine: resources for the trans community by the trans community. https://translifeline.org/
Activism & Allyship
Supporting Trans and Gender Diverse Folks: Support legal challenges to anti-trans legislation/provincial policy by supporting Skipping Stone and Egale at https://www.skippingstone.ca/legalfund
Support Trans Rights: https://transactionalberta.ca/
Egale Canada: Research, education, advocacy and awareness for the 2SLGBTQIA+ community
Frameworks and Skills for Advocacy Work
Revolutionary Love Project: https://valariekaur.com/
Non-Violent Communication - Marshal Rosenberg
Crisis Resources
Wellness Together Canada
Alberta Help and Distress Lines
Crisis Intervention Team - Seven-Days-a-Week mobile support service that provides crisis intervention and stabilization. Crisis Intervention Team Triage line (403) 381-1116
Trans LifeLine: crisis support for trans folks run by trans people. https://translifeline.org/hotline/
Virtual Medical Care
Foria Clinic for Gender Affirming Care https://www.foriaclinic.com/
Rocket Doctor Alberta https://rocketdoctor.ca/
Telus Health MyCare https://www.telus.com/en/personal-health/my-care
Cure MD: Psychiatry, Medical Cannabis, Women's Health, and more. https://www.curemd.ca/
Sex & Relationships
Sluts & Scholars
Sex Out Loud with Tristan Taormino
Shameless Sex
Turn Me On
Where Should We Begin with Esther Perel
The Kink Academy
The Kink Perspective
Dear Jessamyn
Ladies We Need to Talk
The Fat Doctor Podcast
The Rebel Eaters Club
Maintenance Phase
Trauma & Healing
CPTSD Medicine
Trauma Rewired
Trauma Chat
Self Care for Survivors of Trauma
Other Great Stuff!
Parenting is Political
The One Inside: An Internal Family Systems (IFS) Podcast
2 Crees in a Pod
Web Resources
The Gay Men's Sexual Health Alliance
The Super Powered Yes/No/Maybe List: Negotiation List for Sex
Primed3: A Sex Guide for Queer Trans Men, Transmasculine, and Nonbinary People
Fucking Trans Women Zine
The Ritual Chamber Kink Training Institute
Ethical Non Monogamy
Queer Attachment: An Anti-Oppression Tool Kit for Relational Healing https://liberationandmedicine.wordpress.com/2019/12/12/queer-attachment-an-anti-oppression-toolkit-for-relational-healing/
Dr. Arielle Schwartz Youtube Channel Trauma Informed Yoga https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5LUxnXbReV7I5cEzvb46sQ
Dismantling the Master's Tools: A Somatic Approach to Interrogating White Supremacy in Social R & D and Beyond
Internal Family Systems Video
EMDR Video: What is EMDR
Trauma & Attachment
Attached (Amir Levine)
The Body Keeps the Score (Bessel Vanderkolk)
DBT Workbook (Matthew McKay)
Complex PTSD: Surviving to Thriving (Pete Walker)
The Emotionally Abusive Relationship (Beverly Engel)
No Bad Parts (Richard Schwartz)
Polysecure (Jessica Fern)
Hold Me Tight (Sue Johnson)
The Ethical Slut (Hardy and Easton)
Body & Fatphobia
The Body is Not an Apology (Taylor and Oulo)
You Have the Right to Remain Fat (Virgie Tovar)
Hunger (Roxanne Gay)
Queer Body Power (Essie Dennis)
Gender & Sexuality
The Gender Identity Journal (Katie Leikam)
The Trans Allyship Workbook (Davey Shlasko)
Trans Bodies, Trans Selves (Laura Erikson-Shroth)
Queer Sex Guide (Juno Roche)
Come As You Are (Emily Nagoski)
The Ultimate Guide to Sex and Disability (Silverberg)
Sexual Intimacy for Women: Guide for Same Sex Couples (Glenda Corwin)
Playing Well with Others (Lee Harrington)
The New Topping Book (Easton and Hardy)
The New Bottoming Book (Easton and Hardy)